The Rock organizes such mission trips periodically to minister to different needs of the African people in partnership with Revival Tabernacle and various other Christian bodies in Africa.
The Rock organization which was founded and led by Mark Noblin together
The Rock presently supports a children's home and 3 university Students in Kabale. They also help the women and widows and orphan members of Revival Tabernacle,to make some living and school fees support through crafts and jewelry.
And therefore teams come with different skills to be a blessing to different people along these lines or any where else in church or church plants as the Lord leads.
This time round, the team that was led by Margaret Noblin comprised of Jon and Yvonne Valasek, Sally Hanson, Bruce Georgi and Ben Kisiki. Mark Noblin joined the team later on.
The following week, they went to one of the village called Nyamiringa where Revival Tabernacle has 10 church plants in that region under the Supervision of Pastor Didas Tugumisirize.
The place has steep hills with very poor narrow ans skidding roads.The team opted to hike the hill to the village. It wasn't easy but it was a joy and a good exercise for the body. The team testified that they enjoyed the exercise, since it gave them an opportunity to view closely the beautiful Kabale sceneries and beautiful hills.
The team did a lot of work in this village that left all the pastors very happy a rejoicing in the Lord. They taught the Leaders, specially spiritual warfare which is a relevant topic in most of
Together with the Revival crafts women group from Kabale, they trained Women to do crafts especially from the local materials that are plentiful and easily accessed. The women were amazed when they realized that they can make beautiful baskets from the inexpensive materials ad get good pay out of them.
The team also showed video of the Jesus film every evening. Many pastors plus a few people from the community had never see the Jesus Film and they were surprised to see Jesus talk and do miracles and later suffer for the salvation of mankind. It was so inspirational.
They were also taught how they can come up with a road map and vision for the ministry.How they can be organized leaders and good shepherds of God's flock.
Some friends donated Study Bibles to the Pastors who can speak English.
The pastors later told us that this was the first time to have whites come to this village.
The women were so happy to learn a piece of skill for income generating and financial freedom. They were particularly so happy that there was ready market for their products, with the Rock arts. It was an encouragement to these ladies since they will make some money and
The children had never been taught scripture before but in the few days the team spent in this area, many could recite scripture and sing some choruses. We plan to begin Sunday school in this area to follow up on these children and disciple them in the knowledge of the Lord.
We are expectant that several interesting things will happen in this village. We return all the glory to God!
Thank you all who supported the team to travel to Africa and to be a blessing to many.
We appreciate every one who contributed to their success, both with substance and prayers.
May God abundantly bless you.
In case you are interested make a trip to Africa sometime in future with the Rock or to support future Mission teams, you can contact Margaret Noblin at: margaret_noblin@msn.com