Formerly, most of these children were on the street and the rest were staying with relatives and friends. Most of them did not have a place to call home, they had no food to eat and it was so hard for all of them to go to school, most of them had dropped out of school. They had no beds and were sleeping on mats with no blankets.
We are grateful for all the friends that have been a blessing to these children, especially House of Hope Ministries and the Rock kingdom capital Organization. You have made a difference in the lives of these children.
Thank God, today their school fees are paid on time, they have good medical care, and they sleep in nice beds, eat good meals and dress smartly.
Our children have improved on their school grades and they are so hopeful to become great leaders in future and help to transform our community and the communities around. It is amazing how these children have grown spiritually in a short time. They recite scriptures, pray and share the word.
These children are motivated to make a difference. They are so hard working. They help raise support for their up keep in holidays through sweeter making. It is interesting to see how talented these young people are, and one cannot wait to say that they will be so influential in future.
These children are so concerned about hundreds of other children that are in our community and the communities around us that have no place to call home, who sleep on verandahs and unfinished buildings. Most of them hardly eat anything for days. They depend on leftovers thrown in trash. Most of them are naked and have no opportunity to go to school.
Our dream is to build a children village with a school, a clinic and several homes where we will put most of these destitute children, and give them good shelter, food, clothing, medical
Please remember to pray for these children and many that are like them. They need your love and support.
In case you feel you want to be a blessing to these children in any area, please write to us at: or