"Pure and undefiled religion before God... is this: to visit orphans and widows in the trouble..." James 1:27
To the children in Kabale House of Hope, April 1st will always be remembered with great joy! This is the day when all the 16 children with their house mother started staying at House of Hope. Whereas to the rest, April 1st is marked as “fools’ day”, to the children in House of Hope, it is the day that restored hope in their hopeless lives. Most of them having spend most of their lives on the streets of Kabale with
no place to call home, with no good food to eat apart from trash thrown into the garbage bins, with no clothes to put on and no bedding in the night coldness of Kabale! Early that evening, on April 1st 2007, one by one, with their torn clothes packed in polythene bags, the children entered the gates of what was going to be their new home! The children are forever grateful to Mark and Margaret Noblin and Yvonne, under whose guidance together with the church leadership, the children were prayerfully selected from many other children and directed step by step. Mark and Margaret took time to help the children
to adjust to the new life. They taught them what it means to leave in a home as a family.
With all hopelessness, hunger, torture and suffering put behind them the children started living together as a family, with Evas Tumuheirwe as their house mother, her self having three of her orphans in the children home.
It is now two years ago and yet the memory of what the Lord did for these children is still as fresh. Celebrating the two year anniversary the children were treated to a grand dinner at the House with roasted beef, chips (French fries), fruits and a coke. The children were so excited
and one by they testified of the goodness of the Lord.
John Twesige with his trademark, “God has remembered me”! Recalled what the Lord did for him and how God remembered him, he said he never expected this. John was on the street since his child hood and came to church to play games one Saturday during AWANA classes with his friend Bruce also in the House. They gave their lives to Jesus that day and when they opportunity to come to the children home came they were among the first few! He had lost hope of finishing school. John would keep going in and out of school for lack of school fees and food. He has since gone back to school and is now in S.3.
Bruce said he was a thief not because he enjoyed it, but because he had no way to get food. Having lost his mother and Father, when he was still young, they only person to look to was his aging grandmother, who also had no one to take care of her. Bruce says, many times would be beaten, he thought at one time that he would be killed, when he was severely beaten and was left to die but somehow he survived. He says he can’t imagine he now shares the love of Christ to other boys who are still on the street.
Andrew, who had been on the street for ten years said, he had lost hope of life. He was tired of living and wanted to die. He wasted his life smoking and he didn’t hope he would be a live by now. But he said God was so good to him. He is so grateful to God who had mercy on him. He gave his life to Jesus and went back to school. Andrew today recite many scriptures and in English.
Komu, Joseph and Nicholas are brothers and sister, they say after the death of their father, their livelihood now depended on their mother. But tragedy fell on them, when their mother got sick and was paralyzed and
since then was disabled. They dropped out of school, well-wishers would help them go back to school but only for a short period and they would be chased again. Joseph changed schools 5 times. Nicholas decided to go to the street for survival. The sisters begun to work as house helpers and baby sitters to earn some living. Komu is grateful to Danielle and her family who give her support. She is doing well in school.
All the 16 children have a story to tell. They are now happy, they
sleep well, eat good food and clothe well. They are all in good schools and they are doing well in school; they value their education so much. Gone are the days when the school authorities would chase them every other day for lack of school fees. Some of them kept changing schools because of defaulting. They have big dreams! Some of them want to become Medical Doctors, Engineers, Nurses and teachers.
We are so grateful to the People For Missions who fund the feeding, health care accommodation and clothing of these children. You have made a difference in the lives of these children. Thank you so much.
Thank you all friends who have contributed in one way or the other to make these children what
they are today. Your prayers and support have made them to be what they are.
We still have a challenge of raising their school tuition; we need your prayers and support.
Also pray for us that God will provide more resources to help many other children who are still suffering on the street. Our dream is to build a children village with 10 houses, a school and a clinic to help the suffering and homeless children.
In case you want to support these children in any way, please write to us at: jbakashaba@gmail.com