Every year around this time our church puts together a revival conference, when we invite people
Last week, we had this such conference, over 1000 people came to attend this annual event at Kabale Primary school grounds. We invited different preachers and teachers of the word who taught and preached the word of God for the whole week.
Hundreds of people gave their lives to Jesus and many believers in Christ were revived and strengthened in their relationship with God.
Most people came from villages, where there is a lot of witchcraft and idol worship. Many people in these village are still bound by evil spirits.
However these people still need a lot of teaching and grounding in the word of God. There is a big need of discipleship in these remote places. Many people leave alone leaders cannot afford to buy themselves a Bible.
As a church, we feel it is our responsibility to train these people in the knowledge of God. Once every year we organize a revival meeting to help train these people in the word of God.
During the conference, many were excited to be part of the great move of the spirit of God as many were delivered from evil spirits and many gave their lives to Jesus. Many were healed from different diseases and ailments. There was excitement as musicians led to praise the Lord, many people took to the floor jumping and dancing for the Lord!!!
By the time we came to the end of the conference, many were heard saying, "i wish the conference was going on and on, we can't wait for next year's conference"
Thank you our friends for praying for us. We appreciate all who were part of this great awakening!