After seeing what God was doing in our community;setting the captives free, healing the sick and transforming lives, we begun to reach out to other communities with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Most of the rural communities are bound by the spirit of witchcraft and idol worship. The main religion being catholic, most of these people worship Mary. The majority of rural people are drunkards who spend most of their time in bars.
We started to preach Christ,to these villages. There are places where they had never heard of the saving grace of Jesus. But as we started to preach the gospel, many begun to receive Jesus as Lord.
Kabale is mountainous, and public transportation does not reach most of the villages, and so we have to walk up these hill. At one time we walked over 50 km to reach to a village where we were to plant a church. With no equipment or public address system we would shout at the top of our voices to get a big crowd hear our Jesus story. In Africa since people are not busy all the time, it is so easy to gather a huge crowd especially when you use a music system and public address system.
It was not easy to penetrate some of the jungles and villages with the gospel, since most of them do not believe in Jesus and are bound by witch craft but with much prayer, people begun to be delivered and to come to Christ.
We would carry hand outs like used clothes, to the needy, pray for the sick and support the weak and the elderly with food and other essentials at home.
We started to see fruit as many people started to respond to the gospel and come to Christ one by one. We started to train leaders and plant churches in most of these communities. We stirred revival in every village as hundreds begun to forsake shrines and bars and come to church. At one point in one village several shrines were burnt down and a school of mediums and fore tellers was closed down as people repented and started to come to church. Several witch doctors surrendered their lives to Jesus.
Many forsook their old ways and came to Jesus. People begun to repent of stolen property and all wrong doing and many reconciled with their neighbors and relatives.
We would buy some peace of land for a few people who come to Christ, and build for them a house of worship. It takes around $1200 to buy a piece of land and buy tin for a temporary church shelter. We usually build with mud and wattle since it is a bit expensive to construct with bricks and mortar. Some of the churches still worship under trees and others in rented houses.
Today we have planted 30 churches in villages all around Kabale. We have trained 50 Pastors to take care of these churches to the glory of God.
Please pray for us, we need equipment and a public address system. We also need a truck to help us reach most of these areas without public transportation. Also pray for the hard to reach communities, sometimes our team members are beaten and mistreated. Pray that God will give us the grace to reach the unreached.
For more information write to us at:
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