Last year over 50 new believers were added to the church and these constantly need the word of God to build them on a firm foundation.
God has built a strong Pastoral team that cooperate to lead this great ministry and all apart from Dr. Michael are full time ministers with no salary depending on the Lord's provision.
These Pastors have been a great blessing to many people. They have laid down their lives to touch many lives with the love of Christ. They have indeed transformed the entire community.
Many lives have been healed and many souls changed.
With a diploma in theology, he was called of God into full time Pastoral ministry. He is the Senior Pastor and the President of the ministry. With a special grace to shepherd believers into the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. He has a burden for the Lord and love for children. He has been a blessing to so many children and orphans and has helped many families especially the needy and widows.
God has given him wisdom to lead this ministry to progress.
Married to the Pastor, she welcomed many homeless and destitute children into her home. She has a burden to strengthen the weak. She has a great call to intercession and prayer.
She leads the women fellowship and the crafts group.
She has trained many youth into godly fear and lives honoring to God.
She is the Missions Director. She has a burden for the rural people, Pastors and churches. She has sacrificed a lot to see churches planted in many villages. She has a great passion for the lost.
A medical Doctor, came to Kabale on Ministry of health assignment but God brought him into Revival Tabernacle. He has a passion to support the work of God. Out his earnings he has helped build so many churches especially in the rural places where they have no much income. He has been so supportive to the entire ministry and helping financially in many aspects.
He has special grace upon his life to teach the word of God. Through his teaching ministry many have been grounded in the word.
Please pray for these men and women as they God brings more people into their hands so that God will give them the grace to help his people.
You can also support these men and women who have laid down their lives to be a blessing to our community and the many people that God will bring into their lives.
A gift of $100 would help meet their family needs as they dedicate themselves to do the will of God.
To know more, you can write to Pastor Johnson at:
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