Pastor Johnson on US trip:
Sunday after church there is normally not much to do, so most families spend the evening at home. Last Sunday evening, Whitney asked me if i had ever done driving and when i said no, she said she would teach me driving.
So she drove out her old Elcamino car, she said loves this more than her new car,she said that it reminded her of her grand father who had a similar car.
We drove to a school court and i took her several lessons before i sat behind the wheel for my first time.
To my great surprise, i started the car and on i drove! Slowly but surely, i did several rounds in the court before i was bold enough to go to the Road. Whitney is a great instructor, she would keep encouraging me that i could make it. She would tell me when i needed to slow down and stop on cross road or busy streets or to put on sign lights(indicators) to turn.
Wow! I couldn't believe my self. At first i thought i was kind of dreaming but guess what? It was real! it was me driving!
However, i would get nervous each time we would meet an on coming vehicle. I would almost drive off the road to avoid being knocked!
In America they drive on the right side of the road. So this was another challenge on the American road.
All in all, i can now drive! I guess by the time i go back to Africa i will be a senior driver!
Praise God!
In 1995,God gave to Pastor Johnson a great vision to transform communities by touching lives with the love & Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many people and communities have been blessed and transformed. We believe that by God's grace, this fire of revival will spread out! Together, we can make a difference!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pastor Johnson continues on his trip stories:
Jeff and Whitney plus most of our friends and children sponsors from Elk city, go to the United Methodist Church. So my first Sunday in Elk City,meant that i had to go visit their church. I was scheduled to make a presentation in the Sunday school class about sponsoring a child for education in Uganda. Education in Uganda is very expensive especially so, for orphans and poor children.
I had never gone to a methodist Church, so i didn't know what to expect. My friends kept assuring me all will be well. Jonathan sat next to me to help, in case i needed help.
The presentation went well in Sunday school, Jeff leads this Sunday school class. He was very supportive to make introductions and help me answer most of the question. I have talked with Jeff back and forth and he is very conversant with what goes on in Uganda and the needs of our community. We also presented a video, Tim was very helpful to set it up.
Right after, it was time for the main service. The main service in this church is divided up into two groups; one the ordinary service and the other is more traditional and is attended by the elderly mainly.
I think with our Uganda kind of worship i could fit in the ordinary service, besides all my friends attend this service, so i would have lots of company.
However, i was asked to give a few remarks why i was in Elk city in the Traditional service. Jeff introduced me and i talked briefly on how my relationship with the Smith family started and how we started the child sponsorship program with friends from San Antonio to help take the poor children in our community to school.
After this we joined the rest in the ordinary service. The worship was great. The word was encouraging. Pastor Carlos preached on having more of God's influence in our lives and being able to forgive those who wrong us.
We also took Holy communion, i was surprised to be invited to help serve the Lord's table. I am used to this our way, but Jonathan assured me that it is not any different.
I enjoyed the service, though it is much different from our service and worship back at home. We are used to the kind of worship where we shout a lot, clap and lift up hands; dance, jump up and down, sweat and raise a lot dust!
At the end of the service, i was asked to share with the church briefly about sponsoring a child in Africa. We presented the video and i did some more presentations and answered a few more questions. Again Jeff was very helpful.
Thank God at the end of the service more kids had received sponsorship.
For any question or remarks, you can reach Pastor Johnson at:
Jeff and Whitney plus most of our friends and children sponsors from Elk city, go to the United Methodist Church. So my first Sunday in Elk City,meant that i had to go visit their church. I was scheduled to make a presentation in the Sunday school class about sponsoring a child for education in Uganda. Education in Uganda is very expensive especially so, for orphans and poor children.
I had never gone to a methodist Church, so i didn't know what to expect. My friends kept assuring me all will be well. Jonathan sat next to me to help, in case i needed help.
The presentation went well in Sunday school, Jeff leads this Sunday school class. He was very supportive to make introductions and help me answer most of the question. I have talked with Jeff back and forth and he is very conversant with what goes on in Uganda and the needs of our community. We also presented a video, Tim was very helpful to set it up.
Right after, it was time for the main service. The main service in this church is divided up into two groups; one the ordinary service and the other is more traditional and is attended by the elderly mainly.
I think with our Uganda kind of worship i could fit in the ordinary service, besides all my friends attend this service, so i would have lots of company.
However, i was asked to give a few remarks why i was in Elk city in the Traditional service. Jeff introduced me and i talked briefly on how my relationship with the Smith family started and how we started the child sponsorship program with friends from San Antonio to help take the poor children in our community to school.
After this we joined the rest in the ordinary service. The worship was great. The word was encouraging. Pastor Carlos preached on having more of God's influence in our lives and being able to forgive those who wrong us.
We also took Holy communion, i was surprised to be invited to help serve the Lord's table. I am used to this our way, but Jonathan assured me that it is not any different.
I enjoyed the service, though it is much different from our service and worship back at home. We are used to the kind of worship where we shout a lot, clap and lift up hands; dance, jump up and down, sweat and raise a lot dust!
At the end of the service, i was asked to share with the church briefly about sponsoring a child in Africa. We presented the video and i did some more presentations and answered a few more questions. Again Jeff was very helpful.
Thank God at the end of the service more kids had received sponsorship.
For any question or remarks, you can reach Pastor Johnson at:
Foot ball in the US is not like what we call it in Uganda. In Uganda, what we call football is Soccer.
In the US they play football with hands. It was amazing to watch, It is almost like wrestling, one person gets hold of the ball and runs as he keeps dodging his opponents.The opponents do all they can to stop him including knocking him down or pulling his legs. He can pass on the ball depending on the opposition he faces, but in case he gets an opportunity to run through them, he runs to the other end and if he reaches the end where there are words written on the pitch, he has won 6 points.
Last Saturday 26th September the Oklahoma University(OU) team happened to be playing with the Texas Christian University(TCU) team and Jeff and Whitney are both fans of Oklahoma University.
When i first came in to their home, i could see OU letter marks every where on cups, T-shirts, on banners outside the house. So i asked one morning what this QU was all about, Jeff answered and explained that it was not QU but OU for Oklahoma University. Jeff and Whitney, both went to Oklahoma University and are funs of the OU foot ball team.
On this particular Saturday, almost every home in Elk city has put out a red banner with OU mark. And everyone dressed in T-shirts with OU. You should have seen me in a red jersey with OU.I became an immediate fun of OU.
That evening we went to watch this match at Tim and Tiffani's home, since the match was to be played from Oklahoma city some 2 hours drive away. Tim and Tiffani are a lovely couple with 2 lovely sons.
It was fun, we had dinner with them, we were joined by Jonathan and Denise with their daughters and some two more families. It was so exciting to watch our team score goal after goal. You would have seen Tim yell at the team members to; go score!
Praise God! The OU team won the game.
In the US they play football with hands. It was amazing to watch, It is almost like wrestling, one person gets hold of the ball and runs as he keeps dodging his opponents.The opponents do all they can to stop him including knocking him down or pulling his legs. He can pass on the ball depending on the opposition he faces, but in case he gets an opportunity to run through them, he runs to the other end and if he reaches the end where there are words written on the pitch, he has won 6 points.
Last Saturday 26th September the Oklahoma University(OU) team happened to be playing with the Texas Christian University(TCU) team and Jeff and Whitney are both fans of Oklahoma University.
When i first came in to their home, i could see OU letter marks every where on cups, T-shirts, on banners outside the house. So i asked one morning what this QU was all about, Jeff answered and explained that it was not QU but OU for Oklahoma University. Jeff and Whitney, both went to Oklahoma University and are funs of the OU foot ball team.
On this particular Saturday, almost every home in Elk city has put out a red banner with OU mark. And everyone dressed in T-shirts with OU. You should have seen me in a red jersey with OU.I became an immediate fun of OU.
That evening we went to watch this match at Tim and Tiffani's home, since the match was to be played from Oklahoma city some 2 hours drive away. Tim and Tiffani are a lovely couple with 2 lovely sons.
It was fun, we had dinner with them, we were joined by Jonathan and Denise with their daughters and some two more families. It was so exciting to watch our team score goal after goal. You would have seen Tim yell at the team members to; go score!
Praise God! The OU team won the game.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sheila is Precious' s older sister. Precious is sponsored by Gene and Linda Smith.
Their father is dying of AIDS and their mother despite being on medication is so sickly.
When Precious got a sponsor and went back to school, Sheila felt so bad that she felt very
unfortunate and many times she would regret why she was born.
She would stay at home crying almost the whole day. No amount of words would comfort her. She just wanted to go to school.
Staying at home would not be fun as she would have to do all the house chores alone and sometimes prepare her sister's lunch whenever it was available.
However, Sheila is a committed Christian,she would pray every day that one day God would "remember" her. she recites scripture every Saturday in AWANA and Sunday in Sunday
On Wednesday, when Lindsay said she wanted to help sponsor some children, Whitney gave her the pictures of the children in need. And guess whom she choose? Sheila! Lindsay took her up, with some other two girls. It was a great surprise to me because i knew what Sheila was going through and i knew God had answered the prayer of this innocent girl.
Praise God!
Amazingly, Lindsay took up children who were in much need; another girl Miria, has a single mother who earns very little from helping out someone on hair dressing. She finds it very hard to pay Miria's school fees so much so that i have to pay Miria's tuition every term, though she is in a poor school and she pays less than $10 per term. Praise God, Miria now has a sponsor and will be transfered to a better school next year.
Praise another girl that Lindsay picked up is an orphan who was picked by her grand parents and they are the only parents she knows. They are very poor and very old. They have no income and depend on hand outs. They could not afford to take Praise to school though she should have started school two years ago.Thank God Praise now has a sponsor and can go to school!
Thank you friends for giving these children an opportunity to go to school.
Many other children in our community are in a similar state.
To sponsors a child, please ask for information concerning children in need from Whitney Smith. Call her on: (580)225-0719 or send her an e-mail
Their father is dying of AIDS and their mother despite being on medication is so sickly.
When Precious got a sponsor and went back to school, Sheila felt so bad that she felt very
She would stay at home crying almost the whole day. No amount of words would comfort her. She just wanted to go to school.
Staying at home would not be fun as she would have to do all the house chores alone and sometimes prepare her sister's lunch whenever it was available.
However, Sheila is a committed Christian,she would pray every day that one day God would "remember" her. she recites scripture every Saturday in AWANA and Sunday in Sunday
On Wednesday, when Lindsay said she wanted to help sponsor some children, Whitney gave her the pictures of the children in need. And guess whom she choose? Sheila! Lindsay took her up, with some other two girls. It was a great surprise to me because i knew what Sheila was going through and i knew God had answered the prayer of this innocent girl.
Praise God!
Amazingly, Lindsay took up children who were in much need; another girl Miria, has a single mother who earns very little from helping out someone on hair dressing. She finds it very hard to pay Miria's school fees so much so that i have to pay Miria's tuition every term, though she is in a poor school and she pays less than $10 per term. Praise God, Miria now has a sponsor and will be transfered to a better school next year.
Praise another girl that Lindsay picked up is an orphan who was picked by her grand parents and they are the only parents she knows. They are very poor and very old. They have no income and depend on hand outs. They could not afford to take Praise to school though she should have started school two years ago.Thank God Praise now has a sponsor and can go to school!
Thank you friends for giving these children an opportunity to go to school.
Many other children in our community are in a similar state.
To sponsors a child, please ask for information concerning children in need from Whitney Smith. Call her on: (580)225-0719 or send her an e-mail
Pastor Johnson on US visit:
On Tuesday, Jeff and i went for the United Methodist church men's fellowship. The men from this church get this kind of fellowship every month, they share a meal and lots of ideas.
So during this fellowship Jeff introduced me and the reasons why i was in Oklahoma; which was mainly to raise sponsors for our village children. I was given an opportunity to share with the fellowship about Uganda, our community and the need for helping kids who are suffering with no food, no place to call home and no money to go to school. In Uganda education is not free and not every family is able to meet the tuition fees and school needs. Jeff was very supportive to explain more about the need for support for our village.
The men said they will pray about it and let us know their decision.
Wednesday, night i went with Jeff and Whitney to an evening Bible fellowship. Church members join for an evening meal. It was a warm fellowship, we sat in different groups. I was asked to bless the meal and pray for the fellowship.
The sharing wasn't formal but Jeff's friends in our group would ask how life was in Uganda and by the end of the fellowship, several people including the Pastor of the church had asked to sponsor children. Pastor Dan Peil sponsored one child,Tiffani Dewitt sponsored one child, Sarah Flyman sponsored another child and Lindsay Fees sponsored three children.
By the time we left, 6 children had been sponsored and the previous day Denise's mother had asked to sponsor two children making a total of 8.
The following day, Thursday, Jeff made arrangements for me to speak at a Christian Radio on a program called the Hour of Power. With Jeff's help we shared on Radio the needs of our community, especially sponsoring children for education.
The ladies who hosted us at the Radio; Misty and Neva, sponsored 3 children. Neva Pyatt sponsored 2 kids and Misty Musick sponsored one child. Glory to God!
Sponsoring a child takes $35 a month. This money goes primarily to pay tuition for the child, buys the child school uniform and a pair of shoes every year, it pays for medical care when needed and helps to feed the child a meal, every Saturday.
Step by step, we are making progress. Thank you friends, for your love and support for these children in need.
Praise God!
To sponsor a child please call Whitney, for more information at: (580)225-0719 or send an e-mail
On Tuesday, Jeff and i went for the United Methodist church men's fellowship. The men from this church get this kind of fellowship every month, they share a meal and lots of ideas.
So during this fellowship Jeff introduced me and the reasons why i was in Oklahoma; which was mainly to raise sponsors for our village children. I was given an opportunity to share with the fellowship about Uganda, our community and the need for helping kids who are suffering with no food, no place to call home and no money to go to school. In Uganda education is not free and not every family is able to meet the tuition fees and school needs. Jeff was very supportive to explain more about the need for support for our village.
The men said they will pray about it and let us know their decision.
Wednesday, night i went with Jeff and Whitney to an evening Bible fellowship. Church members join for an evening meal. It was a warm fellowship, we sat in different groups. I was asked to bless the meal and pray for the fellowship.
The sharing wasn't formal but Jeff's friends in our group would ask how life was in Uganda and by the end of the fellowship, several people including the Pastor of the church had asked to sponsor children. Pastor Dan Peil sponsored one child,Tiffani Dewitt sponsored one child, Sarah Flyman sponsored another child and Lindsay Fees sponsored three children.
By the time we left, 6 children had been sponsored and the previous day Denise's mother had asked to sponsor two children making a total of 8.
The following day, Thursday, Jeff made arrangements for me to speak at a Christian Radio on a program called the Hour of Power. With Jeff's help we shared on Radio the needs of our community, especially sponsoring children for education.
The ladies who hosted us at the Radio; Misty and Neva, sponsored 3 children. Neva Pyatt sponsored 2 kids and Misty Musick sponsored one child. Glory to God!
Sponsoring a child takes $35 a month. This money goes primarily to pay tuition for the child, buys the child school uniform and a pair of shoes every year, it pays for medical care when needed and helps to feed the child a meal, every Saturday.
Step by step, we are making progress. Thank you friends, for your love and support for these children in need.
Praise God!
To sponsor a child please call Whitney, for more information at: (580)225-0719 or send an e-mail
Pastor Johnson continues his US visit episodes:
Whitney Smith with Darlene Draper of Maranatha Bible church in San Antonio helped set up the Child Sponsorship program in Kabale in 2007. Hundreds of children don't go to school. many are homeless and some don't have food and clothings. 100 children were registered last year for sponsorship. 35 are so far sponsored. Of the sponsors supporting the 35 children, 10 are from Oklahoma in Elk city.
Jeff and Whitney took me around to meet the children sponsors.
I first met Linda, who is Jeff's mother. She and her husband, Gene Smith, sponsor 2 kids. We had dinner at Linda's place. She is a hospitable lady. She loves Stella and Precious, the kids they sponsor. Stella was in a very poor school before we transfered her after she got a sponsor and she is now among the best students in her class. Precious can now speak very good English, she was out of school for one year before. Precious has one sister. Their Dad is sick of AIDS. Stella's Mum is a single Mum, who needs help to raise up Stella.
Then, I met Jonathan and Denise, my long time friends whom i was to meet for the first time. They too sponsor 2 kids. We visited their home for coffee. I also had breakfast with Jonathan. They love Shallom and Richard and take them as their own children. Richard was out of school for two years, and he has picked up since he re joined school. His father died on AIDS. Richard has 2 sisters and 3 brothers. Shallom is a brilliant girl! Her parents are too poor to afford her school fees. She has one sister, Shillon.
Also, i met Dan Jacobsma, him and his wife Becky sponsor Moses, an amazing boy. Moses lost his both parents and a poor widow who didn't have children picked him up but she could not afford to take him to school. Since he went back to school, he is a bright boy and a promising leader in future.
These sponsors are all very excited for the opportunity of taking care of these children in need and making a difference in their lives.
There is a big difference made, not only in the lives of these children but in our community too. The mothers and care takers of these children are so happy and grateful for the support given to these children.
To most of these children, this was the first time to put on shoes. Some it was a struggle to get a fitting size because their feet were not used to putting on shoes.
One lady cried, when she saw her son in School Uniform! She said "i couldn't believe that at one time my son would go back to school".
Another lady narrates that she could not recognize her son in school Uniform!
Thank you friends for being a blessing to these families and our community. These children look to you as Fathers and Mothers, you are so special to them and they pray for you everyday.
We feel so sad for one sponsor who passed away; Jan Warren, may her soul rest in peace! We always remember to pray for her family members and her loved ones that the Lord will comfort all of you.
Whitney will get me to see all other sponsors before i go back to Uganda.
In case you want to know more concerning your child or our sponsorship program call Pastor Johnson at:011-256-772-564449 or send him an e-mail
Whitney Smith with Darlene Draper of Maranatha Bible church in San Antonio helped set up the Child Sponsorship program in Kabale in 2007. Hundreds of children don't go to school. many are homeless and some don't have food and clothings. 100 children were registered last year for sponsorship. 35 are so far sponsored. Of the sponsors supporting the 35 children, 10 are from Oklahoma in Elk city.
Jeff and Whitney took me around to meet the children sponsors.
I first met Linda, who is Jeff's mother. She and her husband, Gene Smith, sponsor 2 kids. We had dinner at Linda's place. She is a hospitable lady. She loves Stella and Precious, the kids they sponsor. Stella was in a very poor school before we transfered her after she got a sponsor and she is now among the best students in her class. Precious can now speak very good English, she was out of school for one year before. Precious has one sister. Their Dad is sick of AIDS. Stella's Mum is a single Mum, who needs help to raise up Stella.
Then, I met Jonathan and Denise, my long time friends whom i was to meet for the first time. They too sponsor 2 kids. We visited their home for coffee. I also had breakfast with Jonathan. They love Shallom and Richard and take them as their own children. Richard was out of school for two years, and he has picked up since he re joined school. His father died on AIDS. Richard has 2 sisters and 3 brothers. Shallom is a brilliant girl! Her parents are too poor to afford her school fees. She has one sister, Shillon.
Also, i met Dan Jacobsma, him and his wife Becky sponsor Moses, an amazing boy. Moses lost his both parents and a poor widow who didn't have children picked him up but she could not afford to take him to school. Since he went back to school, he is a bright boy and a promising leader in future.
These sponsors are all very excited for the opportunity of taking care of these children in need and making a difference in their lives.
There is a big difference made, not only in the lives of these children but in our community too. The mothers and care takers of these children are so happy and grateful for the support given to these children.
To most of these children, this was the first time to put on shoes. Some it was a struggle to get a fitting size because their feet were not used to putting on shoes.
One lady cried, when she saw her son in School Uniform! She said "i couldn't believe that at one time my son would go back to school".
Another lady narrates that she could not recognize her son in school Uniform!
Thank you friends for being a blessing to these families and our community. These children look to you as Fathers and Mothers, you are so special to them and they pray for you everyday.
We feel so sad for one sponsor who passed away; Jan Warren, may her soul rest in peace! We always remember to pray for her family members and her loved ones that the Lord will comfort all of you.
Whitney will get me to see all other sponsors before i go back to Uganda.
In case you want to know more concerning your child or our sponsorship program call Pastor Johnson at:011-256-772-564449 or send him an e-mail
Friday, September 26, 2008
In this episode Pastor Johnson narrates his experience on his trip to the USA:
My flight was delayed for 24 hours and so i had to travel on the 20th September instead of 19th.
My wife Margaret and our young son Isaac were on the airport to see me off together with a few friends from our church.
I traveled with SN Brussels and we went via Brussels in Belgium. It looked a big city with lots of fields but because i didn't have the Belgium Visa i was not allowed out side the airport. It was a 10 hour trip from Africa to Brussels.
Then we changed planes after 3 hours and it took us another 14 hours to reach Atlanta air port aboard the Delta airlines.
Atlanta is a very beautiful city and the air port is so big.
This was my first time to be in America and my very first time to travel out of Africa.
The trip was very exciting and interesting. I got a seat near the window, so i could watch great scenes. The Atlantic ocean is huge, we moved hours and hours seeing nothing but water. It was amazing to see our selves above clouds!
We waited for another 2 hours in Atlanta. Trains helped take us on to the right Gate. I asked lots of questions, otherwise i would have lost my way. At first i got confused, the airport is so huge with lots of people and many gates. I got a problem to understand the American accent, so i would keep saying;pardon...pardon...! But they also got a problem understanding my Ugandan-Rukiga English! So, i kept repeating every word, slowly and sometimes using signs.
America is very busy. Every one was minding his own business, unlike in Africa where you can even stop to chat with someone you have never seen. I had never seen an air port with so many people.
America is beautiful with great people!
The plane to Oklahoma delayed for an hour. And it took us another hour to be in Oklahoma city.
Oklahoma city is not as big as Atlanta. It was so easy to get to the baggage claim area.
When i got to the baggage claim area, guess whom do i see there? Jeff & Whitney waiting for me! They had been waiting for an hour. This was going to be my very first time to see Jeff and Whitney, my very long time friends with whom we were connected by e-mail since 2006. It was not hard to recognize them; they looked exactly what they look on pictures! Jeff is amazing! A wonderful man, so warm and gentle. Whitney is so kind and loving! I felt the Lord was joining our hearts for a life long relationship that shall be a blessing to many people.
What a joy to meet my long time friends! We hugged and laughed and talked and talked! I ate my first meal in the US with them at Hotel Cherry's. We ate Rice and Chicken.
Then off we went to Elk City where Jeff and Whitney stay. Their home is beautiful. Their house is big and nice.
I was directed to the room, i will call home for time i will be in Elk city. I slept like a King!
Every thing in America is different. Life is so simple in America. I was surprised, machines do the washing; clothes and utensils and cleaning the floor!
There are so many cars, it's like every one owns a car. You hardly see any one walking unlike in our community where you hardly see anyone driving!
The following morning, Whitney prepared muffins for my breakfast and a cup of coffee. I am not a coffee fun, but i am beginning to pick interest. My wife must prepare coffee when i get back home.
God bless America!
In this episode Pastor Johnson narrates his experience on his trip to the USA:
My flight was delayed for 24 hours and so i had to travel on the 20th September instead of 19th.
My wife Margaret and our young son Isaac were on the airport to see me off together with a few friends from our church.
I traveled with SN Brussels and we went via Brussels in Belgium. It looked a big city with lots of fields but because i didn't have the Belgium Visa i was not allowed out side the airport. It was a 10 hour trip from Africa to Brussels.
Then we changed planes after 3 hours and it took us another 14 hours to reach Atlanta air port aboard the Delta airlines.
Atlanta is a very beautiful city and the air port is so big.
This was my first time to be in America and my very first time to travel out of Africa.
The trip was very exciting and interesting. I got a seat near the window, so i could watch great scenes. The Atlantic ocean is huge, we moved hours and hours seeing nothing but water. It was amazing to see our selves above clouds!
We waited for another 2 hours in Atlanta. Trains helped take us on to the right Gate. I asked lots of questions, otherwise i would have lost my way. At first i got confused, the airport is so huge with lots of people and many gates. I got a problem to understand the American accent, so i would keep saying;pardon...pardon...! But they also got a problem understanding my Ugandan-Rukiga English! So, i kept repeating every word, slowly and sometimes using signs.
America is very busy. Every one was minding his own business, unlike in Africa where you can even stop to chat with someone you have never seen. I had never seen an air port with so many people.
America is beautiful with great people!
The plane to Oklahoma delayed for an hour. And it took us another hour to be in Oklahoma city.
Oklahoma city is not as big as Atlanta. It was so easy to get to the baggage claim area.
When i got to the baggage claim area, guess whom do i see there? Jeff & Whitney waiting for me! They had been waiting for an hour. This was going to be my very first time to see Jeff and Whitney, my very long time friends with whom we were connected by e-mail since 2006. It was not hard to recognize them; they looked exactly what they look on pictures! Jeff is amazing! A wonderful man, so warm and gentle. Whitney is so kind and loving! I felt the Lord was joining our hearts for a life long relationship that shall be a blessing to many people.
What a joy to meet my long time friends! We hugged and laughed and talked and talked! I ate my first meal in the US with them at Hotel Cherry's. We ate Rice and Chicken.
Then off we went to Elk City where Jeff and Whitney stay. Their home is beautiful. Their house is big and nice.
I was directed to the room, i will call home for time i will be in Elk city. I slept like a King!
Every thing in America is different. Life is so simple in America. I was surprised, machines do the washing; clothes and utensils and cleaning the floor!
There are so many cars, it's like every one owns a car. You hardly see any one walking unlike in our community where you hardly see anyone driving!
The following morning, Whitney prepared muffins for my breakfast and a cup of coffee. I am not a coffee fun, but i am beginning to pick interest. My wife must prepare coffee when i get back home.
God bless America!
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