Their father is dying of AIDS and their mother despite being on medication is so sickly.
When Precious got a sponsor and went back to school, Sheila felt so bad that she felt very
She would stay at home crying almost the whole day. No amount of words would comfort her. She just wanted to go to school.
Staying at home would not be fun as she would have to do all the house chores alone and sometimes prepare her sister's lunch whenever it was available.
However, Sheila is a committed Christian,she would pray every day that one day God would "remember" her. she recites scripture every Saturday in AWANA and Sunday in Sunday
On Wednesday, when Lindsay said she wanted to help sponsor some children, Whitney gave her the pictures of the children in need. And guess whom she choose? Sheila! Lindsay took her up, with some other two girls. It was a great surprise to me because i knew what Sheila was going through and i knew God had answered the prayer of this innocent girl.
Praise God!
Amazingly, Lindsay took up children who were in much need; another girl Miria, has a single mother who earns very little from helping out someone on hair dressing. She finds it very hard to pay Miria's school fees so much so that i have to pay Miria's tuition every term, though she is in a poor school and she pays less than $10 per term. Praise God, Miria now has a sponsor and will be transfered to a better school next year.
Praise another girl that Lindsay picked up is an orphan who was picked by her grand parents and they are the only parents she knows. They are very poor and very old. They have no income and depend on hand outs. They could not afford to take Praise to school though she should have started school two years ago.Thank God Praise now has a sponsor and can go to school!
Thank you friends for giving these children an opportunity to go to school.
Many other children in our community are in a similar state.
To sponsors a child, please ask for information concerning children in need from Whitney Smith. Call her on: (580)225-0719 or send her an e-mail
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Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal
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