Thursday, October 2, 2008


Johnson on US trip:
Paul and Blessing; my kids, will possibly be the happiest when i return home from this trip. Gene and Linda offered to buy Paul and Blessing some gear bikes. Paul is 7 years and Blessing is 5 years. Paul is in Grade one and Blessing is still in Elementary school.
Paul's school is almost 3 miles away from home and there is a steep hill before you get to his school. With a gear bicycle, it will be so easy for Paul to get to school in time and to get back home easily after school.
The school has a room where they lock up all students bicycles for safety.
Paul used to admire the boys who come to school on bicycles, now his desire has been fulfilled.
I guess Blessing will be the happiest to receive her Bicycle. Before i left Uganda, she told me that "Dad, please bring for me a bicycle" I told her how impossible it was but she insisted that i make sure i come with one.
It is amazing how God honors even the prayers of young children. Her prayer has been answered.
Denise got me a baby doll for Precious who is 3 years, so she won't feel jealousy when her brother and sister go riding their bicycles.
I thank God for other friends like Vicky and Sarah who bought several gifts for my kids.
Thank you every one who donated school items and medicine for my family.
I am grateful to the United Methodist Church that donated lots of clothes for my kids.
Special thanks go to Jeff and Whitney, you mean much to me and family!
God bless you all.

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