The children were so happy as they came to church one by one with their reports. Most of them performed very well and were promoted to higher classes, with a few who performed poorly. The survey showed that those who performed poorly was a result of poor conditions back home. Most of the children do not get lunch before they go back for afternoon sessions. Discussions are under way to see if we can revise our annual budget and include daily lunch for these children
The children told stories of their experience at school during the school term. Some were moving stories as children narrated how much they used to suffer before they got sponsors. Some said, each year they would go to a different school because they were chased away for failing to pay school fees. Most of them could not afford exercise books and so they could tear out papers from one book to be used for 8 subjects! Many were going to school with torn clothes and without shoes.
They are so grateful to their sponsors who have made a difference in their lives. To them it is a great joy and a divine opportunity for them to given a chance to go to school.
I was amazed to hear their stories! These children have big dreams, some of them want to become Teachers, Doctors, Nurses and Lawyers!
The Sponsorship program has helped to develop our children and our community. These children love the Lord and well behaved in the community. They are able to communicate in English.
This holiday is particularly exciting to the children because of Christmas. They always look to another Christmas, because traditionally it is a time to dressed differently and eat differently. To the families who can afford, on Christmas they change menu from red beans, greens and posho to beef, rice and Matoke. Many children put on shoes on Christmas. To those whose parents can't afford, they spend the day crying that they are not like the rest on Christmas.
Last year, with support from friends, we organized lunch for the orphans and the poor children from the community. It was a great time and so exciting for the children. Some testified that, that was the first time to test a soda(coke).
We are praying that God will provide for us again this year, so that we make a Christmas lunch for all the children.
To make a contribution to the Christmas lunch or buy clothes and shoes for children, please write to Whitney Smith
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