"Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them..." Luke 18:16
Nothing excited the kids in our community, two days before going back to school like receiving Awana Uniforms last Saturday. It was the best gift before they went back to school.
Lots of children have been added to our church now, especially with the beginning of a child sponsorship program that helps pay tuition for 70 children now. Also many children have been hearing of the

great stories of what goes on during Awana sessions. Changed lives of Awana clubbers have also been a motivation for kids to join Awana. Parents also feel their children are safer with Awana.

Over a hundred children have been registered to have trusted Jesus for salvation. Most of these were notorious on the community. But have been totally transformed. With the increasing numbers of new children, it became a problem to share the few Uniforms available, therefore many children would attend Awana without Uniforms. These children feel so bad to see their friends in

Uniform,when they don't have. Some have failed to turn up some days because of this. By the end of last year, we had registered 50 new children attending Awana, but now the number has gone up to 90.
We thank God for Yvonne Valasek and the Prestonwood Church in

Dallas who donated to our church 50 new uniforms and books, which were distributed last Saturday. Many children were so excited to put on Awana Uniform for the first time. Children run around every where showing every body their new Uniforms. They were so excited! Some children who had not turned up because of bad weather felt bad when they were told of what happened. More Uniforms will be given out this Saturday.

Every Saturday clubbers turn up at 2:00 p.m and go to their classes and then counsel time. We do games last because the field we use for games is a bit far from church, and would interfere with other programs. We pray that God will give us our own field some day. Children enjoy every part of the program, especially game time. Children are ever looking forward to another Saturday

when they will come for Awana.
Awana, which evangelize and disciple children, has been a tremendous blessing to our community. Our community which used to be a terrible place with so many street children and kids that are un able to go to school; fighting all over, stealing, raping and doing all sorts of evil things, has been transformed. It is a common scene every where now to find kids in groups singing gospel songs or reciting memory

verses. Children are now well behaved. It is amazing that even the few that are still in bad groups feel ashamed of themselves and no longer do bad things in the open. Children discipline their fellow children who are found misbehaving! We can see great leaders in these children!
Several mothers have believed Jesus and come to church because of their children. People on our community even non members of our church praise our church and the big work that has been done. Our community has been transformed! And the transformation cycle continues.

We thank God for Jerurina, our Awana commander and all the leaders and teachers. They have done a recommendable work. Most of these children had never heard of Jesus. Many did not

know a single scripture verse. Most of them had never stepped in the church. But these leaders have done a great work in the lives of these children.
David the Awana Missionary in Uganda, has been instrumental in training these leaders so that they are equipped to help our community.

Thank you all dear friends for your support and prayers. We are ever so grateful to Miss Yvonne and the Awana leaders at Prestonwood Baptist church. God bless you for your love and and support, you have made a difference in our church and community.
To reach us write to us at: jbakashaba@gmail.com.
And in case you want to help Awana in our community in anyway, please write to
Yvonne at:
May God bless you.