"My life will not be the same again" said one Pastor from the rural churches, who had been going through a tough time and facing different challenges in ministry, until this last week, when we had a revival Conference that marked the turning point for many ministers and believers. We hold this conference annually, in the month of May. People from different places attend this conference. This year's conference was attended by hundreds of believers
and Pastors, especially from rural places. People from villages are so hungry for the word of God, because such opportunities are rare. And yet they go through many challenges and are troubled by the powers of darkness. In most villages, devil worship is so rampant but as
the Gospel penetrates deeper and deeper into these villages, many people give up the practices and trust Jesus with their lives. We have planted churches in most villages and we continue to plant more. We planted 7 churches last year and this year, we are determined to plant many more, despite the big cost of planting churches. However, though people come to Jesus, some still have the soul ties because of covenants they entered into with the demon world and so they need to be set free by the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Different preachers and teachers of the word were invited to minister to the saints in this week long conference. Many believers were set free from demonic oppressions and many healed of their diseases by the power of God. Even unbelievers came in and gave their lives to Jesus. One lady from our community had suffered for a long time from demonic operation and she had spent her money to witch doctors, who could not help her. She visited different hospital and her condition worsened, she could not sleep, she was tormented by evil spirits every day. Evil spirits would strangle
her every night and for three years she could not sleep. When she heard about this conference, she came and gave her life to Jesus, when we prayed for her she was set free and she testified that all pain had gone and she could now sleep. "For the first time, i slept like a baby after i was prayed for" said Anne. Many other people were touched by the power of the Holy Spirit and were revived. Many ministers who
were weak were restored in the strength of the Lord and they went back determined to serve God!
Thank you friends for your prayer; God moved mightily by his Spirit and all who came were blessed. God provided miraculously, we had enough food to feed the 800 people that attended this conference.
God bless you.
1 comment:
My Bishop,i can see what our God is doing in Kabale. Wow it's great!
Glory be to his Name!!
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