This village is popularly known for brewing and drinking alcohol on top of witchcraft. This has left the village devastated with poverty. Old men every where could be seen with jiggers and in rugs. Children cannot afford to go to school, women cannot feed their children. All because the little hard earned money is spent on alcohol. Witchcraft has reduced this village to fear, sickness and disease. People are so hungry for the gospel, they needed help.
When news reached these people that we are taking a gospel crusade to this village, it was received with great excitement.
After the Sunday service we hired a track and headed for Katuna. We were received with a lot of joy and excitement. People sung praises to God!
Every time the choir would begin to sing praise and worship, every body would join in with shouts and dancing to the praise of the almighty God!
Jackline Tumuhimbise who was leading the program then called for people with testimonies. One after the other people came forward to talk about the good things God has done for them. Many people testifies that after receiving Christ, their lives never remained the same, many were healed from different diseases and sickness. Others were delivered from powers of darkness. Many people who used to drink alcoh
By the time i was invited to preach the word, many people were ready to accept the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life.
When i made an alter call, around 100 people came forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Many confessed
Friends keep these people in prayer so that they will be strong disciples of Jesus and help to transform their community.
Great in Jesus Name.
Reverend. Mathew I. Nathaniel,
PO BOX NO - 9 / NELLORE - 524003,
Great in Jesus Name.
Reverend. Mathew I. Nathaniel,
PO BOX NO - 9 / NELLORE - 524003,
Great in Jesus Name.
Reverend. Mathew I. Nathaniel,
PO BOX NO - 9 / NELLORE - 524003,
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