On Monday, September 26th Ben and Tami gave me a ride back to Hayward. But on our way we planned to spend the day on the beach. We chose to visit the Santa Cruz beach.
This was going to be my very first time to be on the beach.
On reaching the beach, i was told that rule number one of the beach i was supposed to remove my shoes! So off went my shoes and i found my self bare footed on the beach sand. It felt good to walk on that sand. I remembered those days when i would walk barefooted when i was still young. My parents were very poor, they could not afford to buy for me a pair of shoes. I started to put on shoes at the age of 15 when i started to work for my own money.
Any way, here i was on the beach walking on the sand. This was too much sand than i had ever seen in my life. This reminded me of God's promise to Abraham that his descendant would be like the sand on the sea shore. Isn't God amazing? Abraham had no child at 100 years of age and Sarah his wife was too old to have babies, but the promise was very strong. God told Abraham to go walk on the sand on the sea shore, he too must have obeyed rule number one and removed his shoes, he must have felt how good that sand felt and as he stepped on it he pondered on the promise of God, "countless will be your children like the sand on the sea shore". He believed God and changed his name to Abraham (Father of many nations).And surely as God is faithful,Sarah gave birth to Isaac at a good old age. As i stepped on this sand at Santa Cruz in my heart i said, "thank you Lord, you are a covenant keeping God!" Dear reader, all the promises of God for your life, though they delay, they will come to pass!!! Never cry too soon, you never know! Hung on there, God is a faithful God!

Then Ben and Tami told me that i needed to roll up my pants and get in the water to feel at the beach. I did,and into the pacific ocean, i went! At first the water felt cold but soon my body temperature adjusted to it. It was fun to see all these mighty waves come strongly to the shores but loose their strength as they reach the point where God said, "this far and no further"! Isn't God amazing?! Even the waters obey the word of God.
Ben asked me to taste the water, Oh my! I didn't know that sea water was salty until then. Where does this salt come from? We are used to the waters of our big lakes in Uganda like Bunyonyi and Victoria that are fresh. This was another surprise of the day.
It was just fun. As the water waves pushed to the shores, they pushed more sand to the shores and you would feel the sand move under your feet. At one time i felt as if the whole earth moved under me. As water pushes back, sand seems to move with it.
Any way that was it for the day but it left a lasting impression and impact upon my heart. I left the beach singing,"Oh Lord my God, when i, in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand has made...then sings my soul, my savior God to thee, how great thought art!!!!"
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