Sunday, September 2, 2012


The following Monday Ben and Tami Miller, my friends from Modesto came to pick me up from Hayward. I had a great time with them and their family.
On Thursday Tracy and Mary Wolfe prepared a dinner at their house and Tami invited all our friends and children sponsors from Modesto to come over. Most of our friends turned up and we had a great time.
Tracy introduced me giving a note how we first met way back in 2008. Him and Mary were surfing about different things going in Kabale when the learnt about House of Hope and picked interest. It is amazing that what started a simple relationship has now given birth to great things happening. 15 children are sponsored from Modesto.
I spent time giving a report on the progress of House of Hope orphanage and sponsored children in the community. Ben summed it up hinting on the importance of sponsors keeping in touch with children and maintaining a relationship with children. He also emphasized the importance of sending to children gifts such as Birthday presents and Christmas gifts.
I shared with them that my main goal is to help the orphans and poor children through House of Hope program to be self-sustaining; by giving them education but also by teaching them a trade. We plan to teach our children how to make sweaters. We also plan to buy more land so we can plant our own food to lessen relying on the USA to feed these children.
My visit this time to California was rather short but it was enjoyable

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