Monday, October 15, 2007


Mark and Margaret Noblin who were already missionaries in Uganda, felt a need to visit Kabale at the close of 2005. This however begun of a great relationship that was to bring about a transformation in our community.
In 2006 Margaret felt led to help start an Awana children discipleship club in Kabale. The Kabale church was ready for this with many leaders willing to volunteer to teach and train the little children.
By and by the Lord kept opening one door after another and in 2006, Mark and Margaret signed a relationship of People for Missions and Revival Tabernacle with Pastor Johnson Bakashaba, the Senior Pastor of Revival Tabernacle.
Since then Mark and Margaret have come periodically to Uganda and to Kabale with different teams to minister in the church. Some of the assignments have been helping with House of Hope children, training in Awana and Sunday school, giving out free medication to the community, teaching in the church services,training in crafts and
jewelry and encouraging the saints in the Lord.
If you feel like joining Mark and Margaret on one of the trips to Uganda and to be a blessing some where, please contact Margaret

In our pursuit to transform our society through educating and training leaders, it became increasingly difficult to pay school fees for students in colleges and Universities because of the big amount of tuition needed.
But along the way, God opened another door. Mark and Margaret are both board members of the Rock capital organization, that has a vision to train godly leaders and therefore helps to sponsor students Christian leaders.
Today the Rock is helping pay tuition for Christine one of our potential leaders in the church at a Nursing institution.

Christine is very happy and the church is very grateful, because after the training, Christine will be more helpful to transform our community and to be a blessing to many people on need.
Plans are also underway to support Sam, another undergraduate leader in our church, who failed to raise tuition in Kabale Christian University, along the way.
There are many other young people most some of whom have completed their studies at high school and need support to go to college.
If you feel you can help make a difference in the lives of these young leaders please contact Margaret Noblin
Or visit the Rock Website at:

Friday, October 12, 2007

AWANA & HOUSE OF HOPE:Transforming the community


In the year 2006, God opened a door for our ministry to partner with People for Missions a missionary organization from the USA. God led missionaries Margaret and Mark Noblin to come to Kabale and eventually partner with us.
With the help of Mark and Margaret,we got to know Awana International, a child discipling ministry. And the same year, with Yvonne Pickens, Awana was launched in Kabale-Uganda.
Awana has had a lasting impact on our community. Many boys and girls have committed their lives to Jesus. Former street children are now in the church and ministering in the Sunday school. Because of its impact, some mothers too have come to church and given their lives to Jesus. One Moslem mother later told us,"my child sings praises to Jesus every day and prays in Jesus' name before eating food and before going to bed"
Today the mother is in church and has converted to Christ!
The children here used to fight so much and be involved in a lot of evil but today,children in Awana have influenced the entire community. Children every where sing Jesus.
With support from Preston wood Bible church- Yvonne's church, we were able to purchase Awana uniform for over 100 children and some teaching materials. The community has over 500 children. Our prayer is to win all of them to Jesus.

For more information on how you can help these children please contact Yvonne Pickens


"For i was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me..." Matt 25:35,36

With so many parents having died of different diseases and situations, there was a big problem of shelter for so many children in our community. Many resorted to run to the streets in such of food and shelter.
As one of the ways to transform our community, we agreed with Margaret and Mark that we partner with House of Hope which basically helps to house homeless children and provide them with food, clothing, school fees and medical care.
It wasn't a problem to identify children in need of this kind of help, the problem was to choose from the many. So we decided to choose from the children who were already in Awana and being discipled, to make a good foundation for a start.
In April 2007, House of Hope with support from People for Missions,started in Kabale with 16 helpless children and a house mother who herself in a widow with three children and is a committed Christian and leader in our church.
This has brought about a tremendous impact in our community. It's a living testimony of the love of Christ in the community. Four of the boys are former street children. One lady looked at her son and she cried, she could not believe, she said she had given up on her son.

Children are so grateful, all of them testify that they had lost hope of going to school. John, a former street boy, when he stepped in the gate screamed, "God has remembered me". To some this was the very first experience to sleep on a bed with a mattress and bedsheets. To many it was a miracle to have a single meal in a day. Prossy, one of the girls testified recently that she would use one book for all subjects, she would tear the book and make several other small exercise books.
We are so grateful to every one supporting this children in the House of Hope.
For more information on how you can join in to support these children and many more like them, please contact us at:

KABALE CHILD SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM- Giving helpless children an opportunity to go to School

"All your children shall be taught by the Lord,and great shall be the peace of your children." Isaiah 45:13
We felt that if we have to transform our community then one of the primary goals would be to equip future potential leaders out of this community through education. We felt that if we helped take the children of this community to school as we disciple them, then that way we would be able to preserve the word of God for the next generation and thus bring about transformation in the community. It wasn't going to be easy,but we started with few children as a family and then the church got involved.
Soon, with help from a few friends here and there and we were able to put back to school 40 children who had dropped out of school for lack of school fees; these were in both primary and secondary levels of education.

In the picture is
Pastor Johnson and Pastor Michael, the associate pastor with some of the 40 children.

Though hard, we struggled on and on, raising funds in a hard way, but our desire remained to take the children of our community to school.

The majority of parents can't afford to take their children to school because they are very poor. Besides, most of the parents are single mothers who got children with irresponsible fathers and others are widows and relatives. The rest of the children are orphans without any one to run to for help. Our community is full of thousands of children in a helpless state. Some don't have a place they call home,they sleep from place to place, with no bed or beddings. Eating a meal a day to many is a miracle, some children spend two days without food. This has caused many children to run to the street in search of company, shelter in unfinished buildings and food from garbage bins.

We started praying that God would bring our way, people that will support us in our pursuit to touch our community with the love of Christ.

In July 2007, God joined our hearts with Jeff & Whitney from Elk city, who have a heart for helping children with education. God knitted their hearts with Darlene from Texas who committed herself to meet administration costs to start up a child sponsorship program for our community to help raise support for a hundred needy children, to start with.
Today 33 children are fully sponsored.God has opened for us an opportunity to take young children to school, through a child sponsorship program with friends from the USA. A donation of $35 per month, one can take a child to primary school;paying school fees, buy a uniform and a pair of shoes, give lunch to the child and pay for health care.
You will be given all the information about the child you will sponsor for he or she will be like
your child and you can keep hearing from the child or children every month.
Thank you all who are sending gifts to sponsor a child, your gifts are already making a difference. May God bless you.

For more information to know how you can help to transform a child's life, please in this way contact: Jeff and Whitney at:


I was born in 1968 in Kabale Uganda. I lost my parents at an early age. I grew up with my relatives, who picked me up and raised me as their own child. They took me to school up to secondary school. My dream was to become a Medical Doctor, but calamity befell me in 1987, when my uncle who was paying my school fees died. I dropped out of school and started to help my auntie with business. Around then i gave my life to Jesus and a new life begun as i found new hope in Jesus Christ. God called me into ministry in 1988, i joined Bible school in 1989 for three years after which i started to serve in Pastoral ministry in our local church. God led me to start the present ministry in 1997 in a slummy place part of Kabale. We started 5 people but have grown today to 200 people. We have planted 30 churches in western Uganda.
I am married to Margaret and we have 3 children and 5 adopted children.
Because of the good seed of compassion my foster parents planted in,God has put a burden upon me to take care of helpless children. I spent my very first earnings to take orphans to school. My home is a shelter to home less ad suffering children. My desire has always been to see disadvantaged children go to school, have shelter, food and clothing.
I thank God for different people he has brought my way to make this dream a reality. May the good Lord bless you abundantly.
For more information write to us at: or call us at:256-772-564449

When God sent us in this slum, you could literally see no hope for such a community. People here were drunkards, prostitutes and murderers. And most of them bound by the evil spirit of witchcraft.The community has no economic activity for income, they basically depend on casual labors and small businesses. There is too much poverty in the land and because of a lot of prostitution there are so many children loitering on the streets, most of whom have lost their parents to diseases like HIV/AIDS. Other children are born of single mothers and child mothers. With no help these run to the streets for begging and many turn into thieves and the girls into prostitutes. Because most parents can't afford school fees, the majority of the children don't go to school. We started to pray and to reach out to the community with the gospel of salvation through Christ. However it became increasingly difficult to transform the entire community without meeting their basic needs especially feeding, clothing, medical care and education.
We pray that God will bring our way,people who can join hands with us to reach this community with the love of Christ.
For more information on how you can help, reach us by e-mail on:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Bugongi as our community is called in Kabale is derived from the English word "algae" which normally grows in swampy places or water logged places.
Bugongi used to be extremely water logged and swampy and most of the lad was covered with water. Even now, during the rainy season many parts remain water logged.
This has resulted in children in the community ever being sickly with water borne diseases like diarrhoea, worms and malaria because of mosquitoes.
Not only are children affected, but even the adults are sick from time to time and many have died of diseases like Malaria. Malaria has claimed the most of lives in our village next to AIDS.
We thank God for friends who have periodically donated drugs to treat the sick people in our community.
The Bugongi community in Kabale as it is called, was known as a place of a lot witchcraft and idolatry, when we first came in, in 1997. There was also a lot of prostitution and drunkards coupled with thieves, robbery and murder.
Men and women alike were spending their little earnings on alcohol. Most of the girls in the community had resorted to prostitution for money and live hood but ended with unwanted pregnancies and given birth to children without responsible fathers. Some of the children do not know their fathers. And end up loitering the streets in search of food and sometimes stealing. Unfortunately most of the girls in the community have ended up dying of AIDS. It is a big problem for children to go to school because many families have up to ten children most of who are grandchildren or distant relative who are in most cases orphans. When we reached here the situation was beyond our capacity.
We launched out in prayer and intercession with a lot fasting and supplication.
With time we broke the strongholds of the devil and people begun to repent of their evil ways and run to church for salvation and hope in Christ. Witchdoctors begun to run away to other places because the community was becoming too hot for their witches and evil spirits. One stubborn witchdoctor was struck by the hand of God as he vehemently started to fight against the church, he died in one week. Bars too, started to close down one by one, there was a bar after every two houses, but now they were closing down. One man though he has not come to Christ, turned his bar into a shop. There was a house near the church with a small room housing 20 prostitutes, with prayer, most of them turned to Christ and the rest abandoned prostitution for other jobs in town. Some have since got married.The church was now filled with former prostitutes and drunkards.
Within five years the church shelter was too small for the growing numbers. We started to pray that that God would provide land that would house the church. In 2002 God provided a piece of land where we have since put a temporally church structure.
We are praying that God will provide funs to build a house of worship that will accommodate the growing numbers of people that are turning to Jesus as their master and Lord every week.
Today we have a membership of 200 believers, and the numbers are still growing. People are happy, they now have a place they call home, though it is still temporary.
Revival Tabernacle is home for several ministries, that target helping needy children and orphans to raise them into godly leaders. We also have ministries that target women, discipleship and Missions.
With several ministries like House of Hope, Child sponsorship program, Food distribution-Mercy ministry, Awana children discipleship and Sunday school, Rock University scholarship Kabale chapter, and Evangelism, we need a stronger and bigger building for offices and meetings and members need a auditorium for worship services in order to grow into God honoring leaders.
Please pray for us as we aim at reaching more and more people in our community until Bugongi is totally transformed.
Our vision is to build a Christian school to help teach our children in a god fearing way. We also plan to build children homes in the community as well as a community clinic.
With your prayers this vision will one day become a reality.
If you want to be part of this, write to Pastor Johnson at:

Monday, October 1, 2007

The path of the just is like a shining light

From a humble beginning, Pastor Johnson Bakashaba was born in Butobere, Kabale in Uganda, and was called of God to reach nations for Christ and to bring a difference in the lives of many people.
Though he didn't grow up with his parents, well wishers brought him up and paid his school fees and this later made a turning point in his life. While staying with his Auntie, he got a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, and was later commissioned to serve God for the rest of his life. The support from his Auntie made a lasting impact upon his life to take care of the unprivileged, the orphans and the poor.
Today Hundreds of people have been blessed and changed through his ministry.
To the desperate and hopeless he has given hope through Christ, to the poor and those in need he has offered a helping hand, he is a father to many orphans and a pastor to many saints. He cries with those that are mourning and comforts those in despair. He strengthens the weak and uplifts the lowly. He helps the helpless and offers shelter to the destitute.
We thank God for him. To us, he is a gift from God.
May God grant him long life, so that many will be blessed through him.
-Members of Revival Tabernacle