Sunday, January 25, 2009


Mwangaza, a music group, part of Africa Renewal Sponsorship program in Kampala arranged for a music festival last week. Several sponsorship projects were invited to participate. Our children were also invited. To our children, the news came with a lot of excitement. All the 60 children now in the program anticipated to attend. Unfortunately only 20 children were invited to participate from every group. Several groups from different cities were invited to participate and they were supposed to present different music items.
The leaders had a hard time to choose who were to go. Finally it was decided that the children who can sing and dance better, would be given the priority to attend. 20 children were selected and last Sunday they gave some presentations before the church. The members of the church especially the parents and guardians, were so excited for this golden opportunity for their children to travel to Kampala and especially to train on their skills. On Monday very early in the morning our children boarded the early bus. It takes 7 hours to reach Kampala which is in central Uganda. And by evening the children had adjusted and shown around. Because of excitement they forgot about food for the whole day. They enjoyed the ride on the Bus seeing different places they had never gone to. They were amazed to see Lake Victoria, the biggest lake in Africa. The festival took three days, with several groups presenting their items. "It was all very exciting and challenging seeing these children show the art of God's creation" Says Doreen, one of our children leaders. Our children participated very well and among the 12 groups who attended, our children were the third. The two leaders who went with them brought back an amazing testimony, how our children performed well and excited every body, especially with the Kikiga dance(local dance). It is amazing to see different skills and gifts these children have. The enemy would have killed all these precious gifts. Thank you friends for giving these children an opportunity to go to school and expose these children to great opportunities. Most of these children had lost hope and were seen on the community as useless and worthless children. Many of these children were on the street as beggars and some of these small girls were all already involved in acts of prostitution at an early age. They tell stories how men would seduce them with 200 Ush for buying a piece of cake.The young boys say,they would go to steal because they were so hungry. Most of them would spend three days without tasting food. One child said, i wished i was never born! But since they came into the sponsorship program of our church, God has transformed their lives. They are a big testimony on the community. They now know how to pray and recite scripture. They sing very well, praise to our God. I was amazed to see these children perform in our church service as they prepared to go to Kampala. Please pray for our children as they grow up so that they great skills and gifts God has put in them will grow and be utilized and benefit the kingdom. Also pray that God will provide uniform for our children. We had to borrow uniform from other singing groups. Our children got a challenge as they were traveling back, the bus they had boarded had a mechanical problem and being late they had no alternative. Have way on the journey back home it broke down and they remained on Bus in Mbarara town. It was a horrible experience for them to sleep on the Bus and on hungry stomachs. Early in the morning, another Bus picked them up and brought them to Kabale. By the time they reached they were so exhausted but happy! How we pray that the Lord will provide our own transport means for such trips in future.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We had a great start of the new Year, 2009 at the children house.
There has been a few changes and the children are so happy with the changes, since this has improved their daily living and more assurance for their future. One boy told me,"we were beginning to get worried of our future!". Another girl said, "Pastor God hears prayer, we have been praying that God should intervene." Last year the children got concerned after the Rock administration shared with them the new Rock procedures and policies. The Rock Outreach was the funding body for our children home. After a series of meetings, the Revival Tabernacle board disagreed with the Rock board on policies and procedures regarding the children welfare and their future, in comparison with the Revival Tabernacle plans and vision for the our children. Therefore the Revival Tabernacle board decided that the church shall run the children home independent of the Rock Organization. At the close of 2008, the our church board decided to partner with the House of Hope/People For Missions as the funding body of the children home and now the home is called Kabale House of Hope.
The news of these changes brought a sigh of relief to the children, and now they know God has a plan and purpose for all them
. All is well with the children, as they look back from where the Lord got them from.
Recently Andrew one of the boys that used to be on the street, gave us a moving testimony. He told us how he had no where to sleep and how they would fight over the food in the trash. "But today I am a changed person, I now have what to eat and can dress well. I go to school and i have improved on my grades, i know i will be an Engineer one day" says Andrew. Above-left, is how Andrew looked like,before he came to House of Hope.
Thank you every one who has contributed to make a difference in the lives of these children.
They are all happy and feel blessed.
Isaac the youngest boy recently got a problem, he fell down as he was
trying to master riding the bicycle on his own. He dislocated his arm bones. We took him to hospital and he is now improving.
Keep praying for these children, so that God will help them to be all that He created them to be and d do what God wants them to do.

Feel free to write to us in case you want to be a blessing or an encouragement to these children in any way.
Our address is: P.O. Box 1065, Kabale, Uganda.
Or e-mail us at:

Friday, January 2, 2009


"You crown the year with your goodness, and your path drip with abundance" Psalms 65:11
As the rest of the World, gathered in club houses and Hotels to drink the last drop as they came to the end of the year 2008 with a shout and blast of fireworks, we were in church praying and rejoicing in the presence of God.
Multitudes gathered at Revival church by 7:00 p.m. and started to pray and make intercession. We first thanked God for his goodness that led us through the year 2008, before we started to make prayer requests for the coming year.
Different people were praying for different needs. I was amazed when one lady told me later that she was praying that her son gets a sponsor for his education in 2009!
But collectively, we interceded for our nation and for our community that the will of God will be done and God's kingdom will come.
We also prayed for personal break blessings and individual victory in the coming year.
As we prayed, the Lord spoke to us by his Spirit that 2009 will be a year of the fulfillment of God's promises to his children. We then begun to claim the promises of God according to his word.
By the time it struck Midnight, we were all soaked in the presence of God, declaring great things in prayer, praising and glorifying the name of the Lord.
Moments later, we called off the prayer meeting, since we had to come to church the following morning for thanksgiving service.
Happy New year all our friends. may the new year bring you joy and blessings and the fulfillment of God's promises in your life.
God bless you!