Monday, September 27, 2010


"He who has pity on the poor, lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given." Proverbs 19:17

Last weekend, our children were all smiles after receiving mosquito nets. You would have seen them throw the packs in the air with excitement. With the experience of what they go through after mosquito bites, they could not afford but express their joy and appreciation!
These nets were donated by our friends from Oklahoma Jeff and Whitney with contributions from their friends.
During my last visit in May 2010, i received bad news from home that my daughter was sick of Malaria and needed urgent attention. Normally when one catches Malaria he has to be rushed to the hospital for treatment, if the family can afford. Many families in Uganda are so poor and can't afford this treatment and therefore their patients end up dying. Many children in Uganda today die of Malaria. According to statistics, Malaria is the most killer disease in Uganda next to AIDS.
As i shared this, Jeff and Whitney wanted to know more about Malaria and how they can help. I told them that the best way to help was to help children sleep under mosquito nets. You cannot get mosquito bites while under the net. There are too many mosquitoes in Uganda and our mosquitoes carry Malaria parasites. It is these mosquito bites that cause Malaria. But when you sleep under a mosquito net, it keeps these killer mosquitoes away. These mosquitos move out of their hiding places at night and it is under the cover of darkness that they move around and bite people since they depend on blood for their feeding and reproduction.
Thank God they immediately bought the idea and started sharing the story with their friends. By the end of the month, we already had enough funds to buy 100 mosquito nets!!! Thank you friends for making this project possible!
As children picked the nets, most of them started telling stories how they received Malaria shots after catching malaria and how painful it is. Thank God that with support from sponsors, we are able to pay medical bills for the children in our Child Sponsorship program. However the sad part of these children stories was about their siblings and neighbors, who are not sponsored and died of Malaria because they could not afford hospital bills.
We cautioned the children to make sure that they cover their beds with mosquito nets every night before they sleep.
Thank you Jeff and Whitney for supporting us to put mosquito nets in the hands of these precious children. We appreciate all our dear friends that contributed to donate these mosquito nets. You are such a blessing to us and to these children. Thank you for making a difference in our community.
There is still a need for more nets to reach out and help more children who did not receive a mosquito net in our community. Many families here are too poor to afford a net or hospital bills. Please help us, to stop Malaria from claiming more lives of these young children.
In case you feel that you want to help a child with mosquito nets you can write to us at: Or write to Jeff and Whitney
Each nets costs only $10.
God bless you.

Monday, September 13, 2010


"How beautiful are the feet that bring good news"
Last week we had a Mission to Kyenjojo district. This is situated in western Uganda. We recently planted a church in this community and it had been the prayer of the people living in this community to have us visit them with a big team for a revival conference.
We were amazed at the hunger these people have for the word of God, most of them travel walked for more than 20km to come to the church, others walked further than that. They were so glad we came.
Only the pastor owns a bible plus a few others, but as we taught the word of God, they were very attentive and from the responses you could see that they had learnt all we were teaching them.
The people living in this community are basically peasants and very poor. But to our surprise, they had bought a piece of land from their had earned money and set up a simple house of worship, they were still raising money to put a roof on the church.
I was so moved by the dedicated and commitment these people have to God. The community has a lot of witchcraft and devil worshipers, but the few that has come to Jesus are determined to preach the gospel to the rest of the community.
By the time we left we had planted a church in another neighboring community.
These people need prayers and support especially to buy more land for the new church and complete their church building as well as build a house of worship for the new church.They also need Bibles. Bibles are very expensive for these people each Bibles costs around $10.
As we moved around in the community, i couldn't imagine that they have no facilities like schools, medical centers or clean water. Many children die of disease and women often die as they give birth. It is a terrible feeling to know what these people go through every day.
I couldn't help look at what the children go through, with no opportunity to go to school, the children are treated to hard labor of cultivating bushes for crop planting. Many young girls and boys get married and marry at an early age.
Most of the children have never put on shoes and many have no clothes to put on.
I told my friends to start praying for this community so that God will provide funds to build for these people a medical center and a school in this community, so that these children are given an opportunity to go to school and get medical attention. The medical center would help both children and adults especially women giving birth.
Please pray for us and help us where possible to reach this community for Jesus.
Write to us at: