Friday, December 26, 2008


"Behold a virgin shall... bear a son and they shall call his name Immanuel, which is translated God with us" Matthew 1:23
This Christmas God proved, He is with us!
Our plan was to have all our children from the sponsorship program and the children house come home for Christmas together with many other orphans, needy children and street children from our community.
However it turned out that things have changed economically and affected us much in our country. Prices on all commodities have been hiked to almost double.
We invited over 200 hundred children coming home for Christmas excluding the adults. But God stretched the funds to feed all the children and everyone who came home.
Every year we plan to have lunch with children who would have not enjoyed Christmas, to come and have it with us at our home. Many families in our community are so poor that they can't afford a good meal on Christmas day.
Traditionally in our country,Christmas means eating big and good meals and dressing nicely. I remember i put on my first shoes on Christmas day, i was 10 years. I have never forgotten that Christmas!
Children whose parents cannot afford good clothes and shoes, always spend Christmas day crying, for they feel marginalized.
What happens is that these children feel left out and they go to look for comfort and company from wrong places. In the end, on Christmas day, many children come home with broken heads and others so drunk. It's terrible seeing a 5 year old child drunk. And some young girls end up being raped and abused. We have found out that many young girls get pregnant during the Christmas season not excluding the risk of contracting AIDS and other diseases.
God gave me a heart for making sure that such children feel happy and are safe at Christmas. My desire is that these children will at least have a good meal on Christmas day. I thank God for all the friends that are so supportive in this vision.
This year's Christmas was one of those exciting moments, by 1:00 p.m, after service, our compound was already filled with children, as more and more came in one by one, so happy that they have people who care to have them enjoy their Christmas. It was my great joy to see children all around us and every where; in rooms, in the kitchen and compound.Some people from church helped prepare the meal. We prepared Matoke, potatoes, Rice, chapati,beef and chicken. And it was so delicious. The children ate to their fill. To my surprise the younger children ate two rounds. Each child took a coke (soda) and a cup of bushera (our local drink from sorghum).
We then put on music and children danced for the Lord. The youth played several activities that kept every body entertained. The children enjoyed taking pictures and sharing different stories of what the Lord has done. The kids enjoyed until late in the evening. It was fun!
As the kids were going back, one child asked me, "Pastor will we come back for Christmas next year? "Of course", i answered, "why not?"
I felt so bad for the children who were left behind.We could not invite more children than the funds available, so very many children were left out.
We pray that the Lord will provide more funds next time so that we will help more children.We also pray that the Lord will provide a vehicle that will help transport the children back and forth.
Thank you dear friends who contributed towards this Christmas lunch. You put a smile on the faces of many children. You made their day! May God bless you.
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord." Psalms 127:2

Yesterday was an end of year meeting for all the sponsored children, their parents and the staff. This was organized mainly to evaluate the events of the year together with parents/caretakers and the children. We also wanted to give the children a happy ending of the year.
We talked about several things especially pertaining to the welfare of the children. We evaluated the academic performance of the children, their spiritual stand and the social stand.
The parents testified that there has been a great improvement on the lives of their children. The children have improved on their grades at school.
The staff said the input of the parents was equally important to realize the desired changes in the children, since they spend the most time with the children.
The parents accepted to take up responsibility to keep checking the children reports and home work assignments for better grades next year.
The parents also noted a big change with the children spiritually. Their children have changed in their behaviors and character. They know how to pray and recite scriptures. They are a testimony on the community. Our children have made an impact on other children. Step by step, we are transforming the community, as we touch the lives of these children one by one.
The parents gave us moving testimonies as they thanked the church and the sponsors for taking up their children. One by one, they reported how they had given up on educating their children because they lacked school fees. "Our children were chased from school every week", the parents said. Most of the children would keep changing schools due to defaulting. The few who would raise part of School fees would fail to buy books and pens.
It is a big testimony on the community now,to see these children going to a very good school,very smartly dressed and with shoes.
Thank you so much dear sponsors for making a difference in the lives of these children. Your gifts, support and love for these children is a great blessing to all of us.
The children were the most excited. They enjoyed lunch and fellowship with one another. They sung praises and testimonies.
Some of them had received Christmas gifts from sponsors and
had good clothes and shoes.
However, we had gifts for all the children. We received Samaritan's purse Christmas gifts from our partner ministry at Africa Renewal Ministries and we distributed them to the children.
The gifts were not enough to give to all the children in the community, so we gave them only to the children in the program.
They were so excited to receive them, they could not wait to get home and open the boxes and see what was inside.
We are so grateful to every one who sent a gift to Samaritans' purse. It is amazing how your gifts end up in the hands of poor children in a village like ours, tens of thousands of miles away.
God bless you so much.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Last week the Child Sponsorship children were so excited to come back home for holidays.
The children were so happy as they came to church one by one with their reports. Most of them performed very well and were promoted to higher classes, with a few who performed poorly. The survey showed that those who performed poorly was a result of poor conditions back home. Most of the children do not get lunch before they go back for afternoon sessions. Discussions are under way to see if we can revise our annual budget and include daily lunch for these children especially those who come from very poor homes.
The children told stories of their experience at school during the school term. Some were moving stories as children narrated how much they used to suffer before they got sponsors. Some said, each year they would go to a different school because they were chased away for failing to pay school fees. Most of them could not afford exercise books and so they could tear out papers from one book to be used for 8 subjects! Many were going to school with torn clothes and without shoes.
They are so grateful to their sponsors who have made a difference in their lives. To them it is a great joy and a divine opportunity for them to given a chance to go to school.
I was amazed to hear their stories! These children have big dreams, some of them want to become Teachers, Doctors, Nurses and Lawyers!
The Sponsorship program has helped to develop our children and our community. These children love the Lord and well behaved in the community. They are able to communicate in English.
We still have a big challenge of space. We need more land where we can build offices and a big ground for recreation, games and other activities, to develop them physically and socially.
This holiday is particularly exciting to the children because of Christmas. They always look to another Christmas, because traditionally it is a time to dressed differently and eat differently. To the families who can afford, on Christmas they change menu from red beans, greens and posho to beef, rice and Matoke. Many children put on shoes on Christmas. To those whose parents can't afford, they spend the day crying that they are not like the rest on Christmas.
Last year, with support from friends, we organized lunch for the orphans and the poor children from the community. It was a great time and so exciting for the children. Some testified that, that was the first time to test a soda(coke).
We are praying that God will provide for us again this year, so that we make a Christmas lunch for all the children.
To make a contribution to the Christmas lunch or buy clothes and shoes for children, please write to Whitney Smith

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and he will pay back what he has given" (Proverbs 19:17)

The 16 children in our children home enjoy good shelter with good conditions for excellent growth spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. They enjoy fellowship with each other and good care from Evas, the House mother. Daily in their evening devotions they thank God for Revival Tabernacle Ministries, for being a blessing to them.
Formerly, most of these children were on the street and the rest were staying with relatives and friends. Most of them did not have a place to call home, they had no food to eat and it was so hard for all of them to go to school, most of them had dropped out of school. They had no beds and were sleeping on mats with no blankets.
We are grateful for all the friends that have been a blessing to these children, especially House of Hope Ministries and the Rock kingdom capital Organization. You have made a difference in the lives of these children.
Thank God, today their school fees are paid on time, they have good medical care, and they sleep in nice beds, eat good meals and dress smartly.
Early this year Pastor Tracy and Mary Wolfe from California, visited the home and bought all the children new clothes and soccer balls. Each child got 3 pairs of clothes and that Sunday, they gave testimonies of God’s goodness and his abundant provision. They were so excited and they wanted to show every body how smart they were. They gave away some of their old clothes to the needy children on the street and in the community.
Our children have improved on their school grades and they are so hopeful to become great leaders in future and help to transform our community and the communities around. It is amazing how these children have grown spiritually in a short time. They recite scriptures, pray and share the word. Most of them are already in leadership positions in the church.
These children are motivated to make a difference. They are so hard working. They help raise support for their up keep in holidays through sweeter making. It is interesting to see how talented these young people are, and one cannot wait to say that they will be so influential in future.
In holidays, they cultivate and grow crops like maize, beans and sweet potatoes. The harvest from these gardens is normally shared with poor widows and orphans from our community. People around us thank God for these children.
These children are so concerned about hundreds of other children that are in our community and the communities around us that have no place to call home, who sleep on verandahs and unfinished buildings. Most of them hardly eat anything for days. They depend on leftovers thrown in trash. Most of them are naked and have no opportunity to go to school.
Our children always pray for such children, so that God will help them too.
Our dream is to build a children village with a school, a clinic and several homes where we will put most of these destitute children, and give them good shelter, food, clothing, medical care and education.
Please remember to pray for these children and many that are like them. They need your love and support.
In case you feel you want to be a blessing to these children in any area, please write to us at: or

Monday, November 17, 2008


When Paul and Blessing knew that Gene and Linda Smith had promised to buy for them Bicycles, they got so excited. The first question Paul and Blessing asked me when I returned was; "where are the Bikes?" I explained to them that we will buy them from Uganda.

They kept praying and expectant that this dream will become a reality.

Two weeks ago, after I received the funds from Gene, I was planning to go to Kampala where it is possible to get good Bicycles. But I was surprised when one of the businessmen brought some nice Bicycles for sell to Kabale.

I bought two good Bicycles for Paul and Blessing on good prices.

They were so excited to receive them. Blessing said that this was the best Christmas gifts she could get.

On the first day they received them, they kept riding the bikes round and round in our courtyard. It was very hard to convince them to eat their lunch. They felt bad when evening came and it was dark.

But in the morning, it was like they were dreaming about the Bikes, Blessing woke from bed and exclaimed; “where is my Bicycle?”

They have been riding the Bicycles every day especially on weekends when they don’t go to school.

Paul is not yet confident to ride the Bicycle to school; he may be able to take it next school term.

Thank you so much Gene and Linda and your family,for your love and support for my family.

God richly bless you.


"A father to the God.God sets the solitary in families." (Psalms 68:5,6)

Harvesting corn in Kabale can be so exciting.The first time the children in the children house harvested their first maize, was memorable! It was a time of celebrations as the boys with the House mother entered the garden and harvest the long awaited for maize. Normally in our community a maize season is celebrated with evening stories around the fire place as the family gathers together roasting maize. In olden days, the Aunties and Grannies would use this season to tell the young children several interesting stories and teach them many cultural traditions.

With none that knows old stories, the House mother told the children Bible stories as the children roasted Maize and steamed the rest. Children too, shared stories with each other and testimonies of the joy of being at House of Hope. The children testify that it is Divine for all of them to belong to the House of Hope family.

Thank God for the gardens in the back yards of the children’s home.

When the maize season started, Evas the House mother bought some seeds from the market, and the children planted them in the gardens. The children watched the maize gladly as the plants grew up. They were eagerly waiting for the day when they will have their first maize harvest in the house. Each child roasted maize and they enjoyed the steamed maize for supper. John &Judith, the English neighbors were also excited to receive some maize from the children.

In these gardens the children have grown Egg plants, Cabbages, Beans & Pumpkins. There are also fruit trees of Avocado in the gardens. The vegetables from the gardens have always supplemented the usual meals at the children’s house. Sometimes they give some to the needy mothers and children in the community, who would have otherwise slept without food. The children have become a blessing to the community.

It’s the prayer of these children that they will get a variety of seeds to plant more vegetables and other fruits and cereals to supplement on their diet.

Thank you friends, for being a blessing to these children, you have made a difference in their lives. The kids are so grateful for all support given to them and for your prayers.

For support and to know more, you can contact Pastor Johnson

Friday, November 7, 2008

Children Happy to receive gifts from Sponsors

When I returned to Uganda, children were most excited to see me back.

On Sunday, I found them lined up to receive me. They all call me Dad. They sang for me a welcome song and gave me a welcome gift.

They were so happy to hear all the stories I had to tell of my trip to the USA. The children were especially happy to hear how the Americans were excited to help them, especially so with school fees.

These children value education. But unfortunately not many are have an opportunity to go to school. They were surprised when I told them that education in America is free. They admired the American children.

I told them that more children had received sponsorship and they would go to school the following year. I couldn’t remember all the children that were sponsored, so I did not mention names. I told them that we will know the new sponsored children by December. We will wait for Whitney and Maranatha Church to compile the list and send it to us.

The following week, I started to give out letters and gifts from the sponsors. Children were so excited to hear from special friends who have made a difference in their lives. They said they treasure the gifts because they come from special people they call fathers and mothers, who have restored hope in their lives and given them an opportunity to go to school.

They just wanted to keep reading the letters. They kept well every gift they received.

The children who did not get letters and gifts from their sponsors felt so bad but I assured them that next time, they will also get letters from their sponsors.

The sponsorship program has made a tremendous change in our community. It was unheard of to find children speaking English on our community. But now it is a different story. Our children can read and speak English very well. Our children know Jesus and memorize scripture and as a result they have influenced even the children who don’t come to church. You sense the presence of God in a community that has a terrible history of drunkardness, immorality, abusive language, drugs, witchcraft, theft and murder.

Even the unbelievers thank God for our church. Our children are exemplary.

Thank you, friends for your love and support for these children. You have made a difference in their lives and the lives of many more, directly and indirectly.

May God bless you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Komuhangi Prossy, is one the 16 children that stays in Revival children home. She and her old brothers Joseph and Nicholas are orphans and they had a problem of raising school fees, food, clothing and shelter until when we started this children’s home with support from friends in America, and we put them in the home with the 13 other children. Last Christmas, our friends from Gaba, Kampala, sent us a few boxes of children gifts from Samaritan’s purse. Komu was one of the beneficiaries and she found an address of some one who sent the box from West Virginia. She picked interest and asked Joseph, her brother to help her communicate with Danielle, which they did. To Komu’s surprise Danielle replied also sending her e-mail address, for easier communication. Komu had opened an e-mail address with Joseph’s help and he was teaching her how to use a computer and communicate by internet. Komu wrote an e-mail to Danielle and they picked a relationship since then. Komu notified Danielle that I was going to the US last October and she arranged to send back a few things with me for her. Among these Komu had asked for a computer so that she can learn more computer lessons. Thank God, Danielle sent back two lap top computers one of them for Komu. Komu was so excited to receive her computer. Thank you, Scottie and Danielle for being good parents to Komu. There are 16 children in the Revival Children’s home. And the vision of the church is to create hope for needy children as we give them education, shelter, food, clothing and medical care. As we disciple them in the word of God. Our desire is to create a safe and nurturing environment for needy children, where they are can be groomed and trained as future leaders and responsible citizens of our nation that will help in our pursuit to transform our community and the communities around us. Our goal is to set up several other homes where more destitute children can be given an opportunity to grow up to be what God created them to be. Our community is full of hundreds of children, most of whom are orphans with no place to call home. Most of them spend days without eating food. Many are naked and on the streets. They have no opportunity to go to school as the rest, because they can’t afford the cost of education. In Uganda education is very expensive. These and more children need your love, prayers and support. To show love and support to any of these children in any way please write and get more information from Pastor Johnson Bakashaba at: